2018/08/07 - by Metersbonwe Official Flagship Store

Metersbonwe Autumn and Winter New Fashion etc.

88 Denim Festival, ignite the blue power! Come and join @天猫 @聚划算 #SuperGatheringDay#, unlock your denim, and get the latest autumn and winter trends with @X玖少年团!
Autumn and winter new fashion, you will look your best. Come, unlock the new autumn and winter style with the boys from @X玖少年团. Let’s have fun together!
#SupremeNationalTrend#, gearing up, on September @X玖少年团 we'll meet you there! Open the Tmall APP and search for 'Metersbonwe' to enter the official store and get free drawing tickets for the event. The national trend fashion show awaits your participation! @天猫APP @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @X玖少年团伍嘉成 @X玖少年团谷嘉诚BAE @X玖少年团彭楚粤 @X玖少年团夏之光X_Light @X玖少年团--郭子凡G-Ziven
Merry Christmas! @X玖少年团 wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! Come and claim your Christmas gifts from @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @X玖少年团伍嘉成 @X玖少年团彭楚粤 @X玖少年团赵磊 @X玖少年团--郭子凡G-Ziven. Also wishing @X玖少年团谷嘉诚BAE @X玖少年团夏之光X_Light good luck as they couldn't participate in the recording due to scheduling conflicts.
Happy New Year! @X玖少年团 is here to send blessings to everyone! In the new year, I wish you all the best and a Happy New Year~ Thank you for witnessing this with us, may the Year of the Pig soar high! @X玖少年团谷嘉诚BAE @X玖少年团伍嘉成 @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @X玖少年团-焉栩嘉ziazia @X玖少年团夏之光X_Light @X玖少年团--郭子凡G-Ziven @X玖少年团赵磊
Come at midnight, be my queen, and let me protect you! @X玖少年团 boys will take you to enjoy Queen's Day!
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! Little Bang is late! How about getting to know these handsome boys? @X玖少年团 What kind of godlike visuals are these? I'm [酸] already. Since I'm here, come in! By the way, which piece do you like the most? @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @X玖少年团谷嘉诚BAE @X玖少年团伍嘉成 @X玖少年团-焉栩嘉ziazia @X玖少年团夏之光X_Light
Where to go this weekend? The candy boys will take you to explore the weekend! @X玖少年团 brings a burst of colorful candy colors from a whole summer, full of sweetness! Comfortable, fashionable, lively, lovely, and handsome items are all here! Which little candy do you like the most? @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @X玖少年团谷嘉诚BAE @X玖少年团伍嘉成 @创造营2019-夏之光 @创造营2019-彭楚
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