2019/07/31 - by Shanghai TV Weekly/Shanghai TV Interactive Community

Shanghai TV Weekly 'Sweet and Sour, Bitterness Comes First'

Shanghai TV Weekly

2019-07-24 12:36:30

'7D@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY' transforming into Wei Wuxian, Xiao Zhan has also experienced a continuous process of exploration. 'After finishing a scene, I always ask the director and screenwriter, is my performance right? Am I lacking something?' Even now, when he sees some comments or character analyses from netizens on Weibo, he often 'simultaneously thinks of my thoughts when I was analyzing this character.' He feels a resonance with them and is very moved after reading. When he has time to binge-watch dramas and sees comments praising him saying, 'Xianxian's gaze is really heartbreaking,' he will sincerely smile… 8P Xiao Zhan exclusive interview, here it comes! The new issue will be released on July 25 @MorningGlory_肖战资源博

Shanghai TV Interactive Community

2019-07-24 22:49:56

@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY Actually, I like bitterness! @肖战网宣组

肖战 | 酸甜苦辣,苦为上

次元壁难破,魏无羡当真不好演,表面话痨、实则正直重情义的人设,演过头易显喋喋不休惹人厌,太收敛又无法表现不羁而自带傲骨的气质,而肖战,拿捏得刚刚好。《陈情令》播出过半,他出演的魏无羡愈来愈受肯定,“演活了我wifi”的评价从弹幕到微博高频闪现,而肖战自己则说:“我觉得这个角色已经跟自己融为一体了。” 全文…

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