The leisurely summer vacation is about to come to an end. Are you ready to welcome the new school year with me? #IWantToShineInMyIdealLife# I heard that the 'No Rock Society with Anyone' is starting to recruit new members. Do you want to sign up with me? Search for 'Xiao Zhan' on @天猫 and shine with @沙宣VidalSassoon, see you on stage!
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悠闲暑假即将画上句号,你做好和我一起迎接开学的准备了吗?#理想生活我要发光# 听说「不跟谁摇滚社」开始纳新了,要和我一起报名吗?在@天猫 搜索「肖战」,和@沙宣VidalSassoon 一起个性发光不跟谁,我们舞台上见!
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悠闲暑假即将画上句号,你做好和我一起迎接开学的准备了吗?#理想生活我要发光# 听说「不跟谁摇滚社」开始纳新了,要和我一起报名吗?在@天猫 搜索「肖战」,和@沙宣VidalSassoon 一起个性发光不跟谁,我们舞台上见!