2020/10/02 - by CCTV Drama | 来源

Like the Most Beautiful Hometown Chongqing

CCTV Drama

2020-10-02 18:00:04

#LikeTheMostBeautifulHometown# '@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY: Chongqing Dialect Mini-Class is now online!' Hotpot, little noodle... a city you don't want to leave once you're here! Speaking of Chongqing cuisine, I believe there are far more people who resonate than just Chongqing girls and boys; those who love to eat, please raise your hands! Having multiple skills benefits you, let's learn a few phrases in Chongqing dialect! What new changes does the hometown have? Listen to Xiao Zhan's sincere blessings for his hometown! @重庆发布
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