#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# A dream enters the elegance, looking back and seeking the truth, both real and illusory like shadows, the virtual and the real flickering like stars. The regrets of passing by will transform into the deepest strength in the heart when we meet again in dreams on the 5th @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY. See you next time @央华戏剧
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#日常见肖战#一梦入风华,顾盼且寻真,亦真亦幻皆似影,虚实明灭如星辰。擦肩而过的遗憾,会化作五号@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 下次入梦时内心最深处的力量。我们下次见@央华戏剧
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#日常见肖战#一梦入风华,顾盼且寻真,亦真亦幻皆似影,虚实明灭如星辰。擦肩而过的遗憾,会化作五号@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 下次入梦时内心最深处的力量。我们下次见@央华戏剧