2021/12/06 - by X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY | 来源

Official Spokesperson Announcement

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

2021-12-06 10:10:04

I am very pleased to become the spokesperson for @RalphLauren拉夫劳伦香氛. Let's embark on this modern journey with the fresh woody scent.

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2021/12/06 10:05 Ralph Lauren Fragrances/Xiao Zhan/Xiao Zhan Studio
Xiao Zhan Ralph Lauren Fragrance Spokesperson

A fresh and elegant gentleman, the stylish modern gentleman. In the crowd, what cannot be hidden is the subtle, refreshing woody scent he carries in every gesture. Ralph Lauren Fragrances partners with spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to jointly interpret the modern gentleman charm that belongs exclusively to RALPH'S CLUB. #XiaoZhanRalphLaurenFragranceSpokesperson##RalphLaurenFragrances##XiaoZhan[SuperTopic]#

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Ralph Lauren Fragrances/Xiao Zhan/Xiao Zhan Studio
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