2022/01/16 - by Ace Troops | 来源

Farewell to All Members of Ace Troops Video

Ace Troops

2022-01-16 21:46:06

#AceTroopsFarewellToAllMembers# Grateful for the encounters, thankful for the contributions! When we first met, we had the camaraderie of 'comrades like brothers'; upon our reunion, we had the heroic anthem of 'life and death together'; now, in our farewell, we have the confidence and determination of 'not changing our初心 and moving forward'! Although the story ends, the ace spirit remains永存! Salute to the countless heroes who dedicated their youth to safeguarding the home and country! [中国赞] #AceTroopsNeverEnds#

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2021/12/26 22:05 Xiao Zhan/Ace Troops
Ace Troops Promotional Compilation

Includes interviews, promotional photos, and videos, excluding behind-the-scenes stills.

Next post: Ace Troops Behind-the-Scenes
Xiao Zhan Studio

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