2022/05/30 - by breo/Xiao Zhan/Xiao Zhan Studio

Contract Renewal


2022-05-30 10:05:03

The world is complex, but the original intention to move forward remains unchanged. Tomorrow, we will continue to work together with the global brand ambassador for Bei Qingsong @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, starting fresh in the new year! #RelieveFatigueEasily# #XiaoZhanAmbassadorForBeiQingsong#

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

2022-05-31 10:10:09

Together with @breo倍轻松, setting off again, responding to the world's pace with ease. #RelieveFatigue,TakeOnChallengesEasily#


2022-10-30 13:00:03

The stars shine bright, #JDAllStars1111Rise#! From now until November 11th, join the ambassador @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to shop at @京东 for Bei Qingsong and other trendy brand goods!
#JD11.11GiveLifeMorePracticality# Order star products to win thousands in prizes #EastCrossCourtyardSelectThings# Ambassador's products are right here

Xiao Zhan Studio

2022-12-19 10:05:00

The new year is approaching, everything becomes easier! Together with the global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, at @breo倍轻松, harvest a relaxed and healthy lifestyle to embrace good luck in the new year. #RelieveFatigueEasyToResponse#


2023-01-01 10:05:01

As the old year ends, the new year begins, and 2023 arrives as promised! [心动超崽]
The 'good fortune' we seize throughout the year starts today, joining @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY for #NewYearWithEaseGrabbingRabbitEasy#

Xiao Bei also brought a limited new year red envelope cover (claim it in the next Weibo), wishing everyone a happy New Year's Day and bringing a blessing for family and friends! #XiaoZhanSpokespersonForBeiqingSong#
Next post: breo视频:再度携手出发
X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY