2022/08/21 - by Li-Ning Running / Xiao Zhan Studio

Running Classroom

Li-Ning Running

2022-08-21 10:05:23

#CannotHelpButRun# The running classroom is about to start
✅ Choose the most suitable running gear for yourself
✅ Follow along with a set of warm-up moves that make running more efficient
✅ Learn a series of enjoyable running tips
Tonight at 19:30, lock in @李宁跑步 Weibo homepage
Follow spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY and Olympic champion @邢傲伟 together #CannotHelpButRun#
⬇️ Click the link to reserve a front-row spot now! #CannotHelpButRun#


Xiao Zhan Studio

2022-08-21 19:02:38

#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# Stepping firmly, moving towards the future. Tonight, feel the passion for sports together with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, let's run freely [666]
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Xiao Zhan Studio