Romance is not just about the sky and the sea, or a fantasy above life. It is about using imagination and a delicate heart to immerse in every moment of ordinary life. Meeting again by the West Lake with global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, may the fragrance linger for a moment, bringing a little flutter to your smile. #SumidaRiverCoffeeJourneyOfLightAndShadow#
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浪漫不⽌是天⻢⾏空,或是⾼于⽣活的幻想。⽽是⽤想象⼒和细腻的⼼,投⼊寻常⽣活的每⼀刻。与全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ⻄湖畔再相⻅,愿唇⻮留⾹⼀刻,换你嘴⻆上扬的⼩⼼动。#隅田川咖啡光影之旅#
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浪漫不⽌是天⻢⾏空,或是⾼于⽣活的幻想。⽽是⽤想象⼒和细腻的⼼,投⼊寻常⽣活的每⼀刻。与全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY ⻄湖畔再相⻅,愿唇⻮留⾹⼀刻,换你嘴⻆上扬的⼩⼼动。#隅田川咖啡光影之旅#