#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# of #LoadingPixels# Shuttling through familiar streets, capturing warm moments in everyday life. With determination and perseverance, we aim high. With the warmth of the sun in our hearts, we move forward. @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY meets Sheng Yang from a parallel world, experiencing a different exciting life. Successfully wrapped up, looking forward to better encounters 🌻
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#日常见肖战# 之#载入像素中# 穿梭于熟悉的街头巷尾,记录着点滴生活中的温暖瞬间。抟心揖志,笃行致远。心有暖阳,沐光向前。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 与平行世界的盛阳相遇,感受别样的精彩人生。圆满杀青,期待更好的遇见🌻
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#日常见肖战# 之#载入像素中# 穿梭于熟悉的街头巷尾,记录着点滴生活中的温暖瞬间。抟心揖志,笃行致远。心有暖阳,沐光向前。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 与平行世界的盛阳相遇,感受别样的精彩人生。圆满杀青,期待更好的遇见🌻