2023/09/17 - by Sunshine By My Side | 来源

Behind the Scenes of Sheng Yang Dancing is So Addictive

Sunshine By My Side

2023-09-17 21:01:22

‘Chasing Light Material Library’ #SunshineByMySide[SuperTopic]##XiaoZhanOnSetDancingOutOfSync# A mesmerizing dance is coming from the front! Sheng Yang @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY discusses the essence of dance with 'father-in-law' Jian Zhongde @吴岱融HUGO on set, waving left, twisting right. After some diligent practice, the eager little Yang successfully becomes a dance god on set, primarily showcasing a stream-of-consciousness dance. In the end, under beautiful music, Sheng Yang and Jian Zhongde elegantly dance together on set, emphasizing joy! [打call] The sun shines on the earth, and the rhythm is in the heart! #SunshineByMySide#
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