2024/07/27 - by NARS

NARS Naked Black Tube/Super Square Bottle Foundation


2024-07-27 12:00:10

On the occasion of NARS's 30th anniversary, the groundbreaking #NARSNakedBlackTube#¹ is launched with a bang! #XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandSpokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY holding #802 Naked Apricot Burning Brown#, breaking the beauty inclination
With naked apricot as the base, cool brown interwoven with vibrant orange
The skin tone is naked and beautifully brightening, stylish and bold, with a defined style
High-level 'Naked Lip Clothing' texture, ultra-light and soft, with a soft glow on the lips
Outlining one's true colors with just one swipe!


2024-08-22 12:00:03

Super fine, super moisturizing, super long-lasting!
#XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandSpokesperson#@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY working together with the Asian customized 4 colors #NARSsuperSquareBottleFoundation#¹ to break through color selection limitations and unleash natural radiance.

Makeup as natural as it gets, zero flaw powder feeling²
0.42 microns³ ultra-fine powder texture, merges with skin upon application, layering without caking.

Moist like essence, no powderiness
70% essence in makeup, nourishing the skin upon application, no caking on T-zone and cheeks.

Long-lasting wear, 16H⁴ no dullness
4-layer antioxidant essence⁵, comfortable wear all day long.


2024-08-22 14:32:53

is his exclusive natural base color_____?
#NARSsuperSquareBottleFoundation#¹ Asian customized new colors, witness the just right natural feeling.


2024-09-04 10:05:44

Summer high 'setting', misting a watery glow skin.
Follow #XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandAmbassador# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to explore the dry skin setting spray miracle, locking in moisture for longer-lasting shine.

#NARSWaterLightWhiteSpray#¹, a groundbreaking solution for dry skin setting problems.
12H² no-mask feel setting, waterproof and sweatproof;
One spray, 0 powder feel³, makeup looks dewy and luminous;
24H⁴ moisture retention, locking in makeup and moisture.

No touch-ups all day, strong 'welded' finish!


2024-09-04 12:00:27

Revealing the behind-the-scenes secrets of #XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandAmbassador# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, the secret to all-day glow is:
#NARSWaterLightWhiteSpray# ¹12H² no-mask feel setting, long-lasting dewy and luminous finish.


2024-09-10 12:00:31

The masterpiece returns, an absolute beauty.
#XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandAmbassador# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY teams up with the stunning blush #IMPASSIONED#, creating a breathtaking cheek color with seven parts cool purple and three parts warm pink, 'immersing' on the cheeks with an ethereal ambiance that cannot be replicated.


2024-09-17 12:00:05

NARS blush 'Expanded Color Family', choose colors according to your skin, beautiful to the point of expansion!
#XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandAmbassador# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY presents #NARSBlush# Expanded Color Family, bidding farewell to color selection worries, targeting all skin tones passionately.

#IMPASSIONED# Immersion, smoky pink and purple, cool ethereal vibe, dual-use for ambiance
#SEX APPEAL#, milk powder apricot, blends seamlessly without looking white, suitable for all skin tones
#THRILL# Excitement, milk cold purple, a must-have for cool skin olive tones, expands and corrects yellowness without fluorescence.

Master color mixing, innate blush, instant heart-fluttering on the cheeks!


2024-09-21 12:00:01

'Blush is the transmission of emotions.'
#XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandAmbassador# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY presents #NARSBlush# emotional and atmospheric cheek colors.

Masterpiece #IMPASSIONED# Immersion
Smoky pink and purple, cool ethereal vibe
Expanded color bomb #SEX APPEAL#
Milk powder apricot, heart-fluttering
Olive skin darling #THRILL# Excitement
Milk powder purple, innocent and joyful
Yellow and black skin's favorite #GINA# Gina
Creamy honey apricot, lazy and relaxed.

Master blush, legendary color mixing. Emotions on the cheeks, innate blush.


2024-09-24 12:00:14

Follow #XiaoZhan NARS Global Brand Spokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY
on a journey of light and shadow, touring the world's landscapes, mountain lights and water colors, encompassing it all.

South France · Ancient Town
The ancestor of apricot brown, moist and translucent
Holiday in South France, gentle and serene.

Cambodia · Vacation Island
#KohRong# KOH RONG
All matte concrete earth, a swipe of depth
Warm sun traverses, reflecting three-dimensional contours.

Introducing the new #NARS 4 Color Eyeshadow#, flowing light and shadow, encountering eye-like scenery.


2024-09-27 12:00:18

Capture #XiaoZhan NARS Global Brand Spokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY interpreting the charm moment of the new #NARS 4 Color Eyeshadow#!

Apricot brown ancestor #SaintPaul# ST PAUL DE VENCE, dynamic refractive, gentle and serene
All matte earth concrete palette #KohRong# KOH RONG, a swipe of depth, three-dimensional contour

The new #NARS 4 Color Eyeshadow# draws color inspiration from natural landscapes, exploring more eye scenery.


2024-10-02 10:05:45

#NARS 30th Anniversary# Always adhering to the 'Golden Rule' of beauty, achieving timeless classics.
Follow #XiaoZhan NARS Global Brand Spokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to start the NARS 30th Anniversary classic retrospective journey, traversing the space of three star products, exploring the 'Golden Rule,' discovering infinite possibilities of beauty:

BE BOLD Dare to be different, boldly naked
#NARS Naked Black Tube# ¹ Lipstick, high-end 'Naked Lip Coat' texture, one swipe outlines the true color, releases vibrancy.

BE AUTHENTIC Restore true colors, true self-advocacy
#NARS Super Square Bottle Foundation# ² Moisturizing without powder feeling³, 16H⁴ long-lasting makeup without darkening, radiating natural gloss.

BE ICONIC Naturally radiant, born to be noticed
30th anniversary limited edition #NARS Gold Flake Setting Powder# ⁵ for perfect setting and radiance⁶, makeup effect changes with light, revealing cashmere-like glow.


2024-10-05 10:05:33

Embrace the light and outline a luminous chapter of life; resist the long years with passion, always shining like light.
NARS wishes #XiaoZhan NARS Global Brand Spokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY a happy birthday!


2024-10-13 10:05:55

#NARS 30th Anniversary# Adhere to the 'Golden Rule' of beauty
What is the Golden Rule of #XiaoZhan NARS Global Brand Spokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY?


2024-10-30 10:05:44

#XiaoZhanNARSGlobalBrandSpokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY performs in the #NARS30thAnniversary# art film. Let's step into the behind-the-scenes moments and capture the dazzling brilliance inside and outside the camera~
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