#TODS2024AutumnWinter# series advertisement 'Italian Stories' officially released, featuring global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, showcasing the essence of the brand alongside the Italian lifestyle captured at Villa Il Palazzetto. Xiao Zhan pairs with #T Timeless# series accessories and the new season T Vintage series sneakers, incorporating Italian quality into elegant daily wear.
Photographer: @许闯Trunk
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#TODS2024秋冬#系列广告大片Italian Stories正式发布,全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 领衔出镜, 与取景于Villa Il Palazzetto庄园的意式生活图谱共写品牌精髓。肖战搭配#T Timeless#系列配饰与新季T Vintage系列运动鞋,以T入型,将意式品质融入优雅日常。
Photographer: @许闯Trunk
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#TODS2024秋冬#系列广告大片Italian Stories正式发布,全球品牌代言人@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 领衔出镜, 与取景于Villa Il Palazzetto庄园的意式生活图谱共写品牌精髓。肖战搭配#T Timeless#系列配饰与新季T Vintage系列运动鞋,以T入型,将意式品质融入优雅日常。