2024/09/20 - by Xin Xiang Yin/Xiao Zhan

Not Just Flexibility

Xin Xiang Yin

2024-09-19 10:05:01

Pause, Stay, Feel
All softness contains a resilient power
Purely in the present, persistent in the original intention
Let's search for the answers of softness and resilience [心相印]
See you tomorrow, heart friends [心相印] #XiaoZhanXinXiangYinGlobalBrandSpokesperson#
Not just flexibility #LoveInXinXiangYin#

Xin Xiang Yin

2024-09-20 10:05:00

With pure persistence, accumulate the power to move forward 👣
Between flexibility, subversion, tempering, stirring, reshaping
With resilient craftsmanship, create the tenderness of a tissue [心相印]
Together with Xin Xiang Yin global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY
Xin Xiang Yin for better #XiaoZhanAndXinXiangYinForBetter#
Not just flexibility, #LoveInXinXiangYin#

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

2024-09-20 10:10:13

Accompany with love, safeguarding the moments of softness and resilience.
With Xin Xiang Yin, seek better answers.
Together with @心相印 towards better things.

Xin Xiang Yin

2024-09-20 22:05:00

In every flexible moment of our lives
Exploring the answers of love [Xin Xiang Yin]
At this moment, let's listen to the warm voice of #XiaoZhanGlobalBrandSpokespersonForXinXiangYin# telling the story of Xin Xiang Yin. Tap the link to feel love surrounding you →
: There are also surprising gifts waiting for you~ #XiaoZhanAndXinXiangYinForBetter#
#LoveInXinXiangYin# #XiaoZhanGlobalBrandSpokespersonForXinXiangYin#

Xin Xiang Yin

2025-01-01 10:05:00+0800

[2025] A prosperous new year, everything renewed
[太阳] The first ray of dawn filled with hope
[兔子] The first touch of softness warms the heart
In 2025, may your and my love remain in our hearts [Xin Xiang Yin]
#XiaoZhanGlobalBrandSpokespersonForXinXiangYin# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY wish friends a happy new year, let's together #NewYearXinXiangYin# [鲜花] #LoveInXinXiangYin#

Xin Xiang Yin

2025-01-23 10:05:01+0800

Little New Year Blessings
Wishing happiness and family reunions 🧧
Xin Xiang Yin collaborates with global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to send New Year blessings to friends~
May the new year bring good fortune ㊗ to friends, with abundance of blessings, #NewYearXinXiangYin# [心相印]
#LoveInXinXiangYin# #XiaoZhanXinXiangYinGlobalBrandSpokesperson#

Xin Xiang Yin

2025-01-29 10:05:00+0800

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Spring in all directions
With Xin Xiang Yin, we meet the hero Guo Jing 🎬
Wishing #XiaoZhanXinXiangYinGlobalBrandSpokesperson#'s first Spring Festival release #LegendsOfTheCondorHeroes:TheGallants# is a big success! [打call]
Wishing dear friends love to always accompany #NewYearXinXiangYin# [心相印]
#LoveInXinXiangYin# #MovieBuddy#

Xin Xiang Yin

2025-02-14 18:36:00+0800

Love is a gentle protection between tissues
Passing through the fingertips, always accompanying with heart [抱抱]
On Valentine's Day, Xin Xiang Yin and #XiaoZhanXinXiangYinGlobalBrandSpokesperson# @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY send you heartfelt blessings and together we #LoveInXinXiangYin# [心相印]
Next post: Xin Xiang Yin Advertising Film
X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

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