2024/09/27 - by X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY | 来源

My Treasure Hometown

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

2024-09-27 19:30:02

#MyTreasureHometown# Chongqing will warmly welcome every guest from afar. Come leave your story in Chongqing!

People's Daily

2024-09-27 17:01:34

#ImmersivePunchClockCyberpunkChongqing#’ What is the flavor of Chongqing? It's spicy, with hot pot, skewers, and spicy dishes, emphasizing a hot and steamy experience; it's comfortable, with the dazzling lights of Hongya Cave, as if in a fairy tale; it's magical, with the Liziba monorail train roaring through the buildings... Here is #MyTreasureHometown# Chongqing, a city of mountains and rivers, both bold and passionate #Chongqing8DMagicCityConfirmed#. Click the image below to appreciate the unique charm of Bashan and Yushui, and let's chat in the comments.
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