2024/10/16 - by Xiao Zhan Studio/Xiao Zhan/Sohu Fashion, etc.

Boucheron High Jewelry Brand Event (Beijing)

Xiao Zhan Studio

2024-10-16 20:30:06

Listen to an enduring memory related to water and feel the infinite power of nature. Follow global brand spokesperson @Boucheron宝诗龙 @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to embark on a journey of glacial wonders. #BoucheronHighJewelry##FreeCreative#

X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

2024-10-17 10:10:33

In a touch of blue glacier, listen to the sounds of nature with @Boucheron宝诗龙 Carte Blanche, Or Bleu high-end jewelry collection. #BoucheronHighEndJewelry#

Xiao Zhan Studio

2024-10-17 12:00:03

Treading the rhythm of the waves, with @Boucheron宝诗龙 global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY traveling with inspiration, experiencing the beauty of family creativity and style firsthand. #BoucheronHighJewelry#

Xiao Zhan Studio

2024-10-17 22:05:02

#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# In a moment, the stars shine brilliantly. Reflecting the long night 🌌@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY

Sohu Fashion

2024-10-18 17:00:29

#sohufashion·OriginalReport# The long-awaited Sohu Fashion @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY interview video is here! Presenting at the Boucheron new high jewelry launch event, he shared stories about the brooch he wore, revealing that it could also be used as a hair accessory—truly stunning! In addition, Xiao Zhan also shared what he enjoys doing during his downtime; turns out #XiaoZhanLovesExploringHutongs#—a definite hutong enthusiast!



我觉得如果是场地的话,就是身临其境地感受到宝诗龙高级珠宝的美。现场的每一个画面,都跟摄影师拍摄的每一个画面 完美地融合。而且还有音乐家编排的音乐也萦绕在身边。


除了我今天佩戴的这一件海浪的珠宝呢,有一件几何图形的珠宝,它是以几何造型,然后和24颗蓝宝石,完美地体现了冰岛蓝色冰川的景象。 而且蓝色的宝石上面是磨砂质感,视觉中心还有一颗5克拉的钻石,非常的震撼。


我今天佩戴的这一款宝诗龙 Carte Blanche, Or Bleu 海浪造型的胸针呢,它非常的精致 完美地呈现了海浪的汹涌之势,波涛之势,澎湃之势。这款胸针呢,不仅是可以作为胸针来佩戴,还可以巧妙地作为发饰来佩戴。体现了世家一贯的一饰多戴的设计理念。





Jia Ren

2024-10-19 12:00:01

#JiaRenLive# In autumn Beijing, @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY shared beautiful memories of shooting an advertisement with Boucheron. This shoot not only gave him the opportunity to wear the brand's iconic jewelry but also perfectly showcased his unique style and personality. In addition, Xiao Zhan also exclusively shared with us his three must-have items for autumn and winter.



我今天佩戴的宝诗龙 Carte Blanche, Or Bleu 高级系列的海浪胸针,是世家精心打造的。它完美地呈现了海浪的波涛之势,而且它不仅是可以作为一款胸针,还可以作为一款发饰,完美地呈现了世家一饰多戴的设计理念。






W Chinese Version

2024-10-16 20:13:00

Xiao Zhan and Zhou Dongyu, two powerful post-90s actors together!
Tonight at the Boucheron brand event, Xiao Zhan and Zhou Dongyu took a photo together, and the two post-90s powerhouse actors really shone together!

#WChineseVersion #Boucheron #XiaoZhan #ZhouDongyu #OnSite

Jia Ren

2024-10-16 20:15:00

Long time no see, our old friend Xiao Zhan!
Tonight at the brand event, our old friend and the cover star of the Jia Ren annual publication, Xiao Zhan, made a surprise appearance. Long time no see, still handsome!

#JiaRen #XiaoZhan

W First

2024-10-16 20:24:00

The elegant Xiao Zhan, so handsome!

#WChineseVersion# #XiaoZhan# #Boucheron# #Live#

Sohu Fashion

2024-10-17 15:00:48

#FinallyKnowWhatXiaoZhanWore# Want to know what jewelry @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY wore during yesterday's glacial adventure at Boucheron? Sohu Fashion invited Xiao Zhan for an exclusive introduction, and I must say, #XiaoZhanBroochRealShot# is really charming! Let's look forward to the upcoming exclusive interview by Sohu Fashion! There will be surprises~

Hélène Poulit-Duquesne

2024-10-19 15:26:49 00:00

At Boucheron, the significance of high jewelry lies in conveying emotions. I firmly believe that emotions transcend borders and cultures.

Every year, our collections travel the world to tell their stories. After Paris and New York, we chose to present our latest Carte Blanche collection "Or Bleu" in Beijing, inviting our global ambassadors Zhou Dongyu and Xiao Zhan to attend. This collection is particularly precious to me, not only for its beauty but also for the message it conveys: water is precious.

Through this collection, our Creative Director Claire Choisne aims to pay tribute to this vital resource. With the extraordinary craftsmanship of artisans and the creativity of the Design Studio, Boucheron has successfully eternally encapsulated the different states of water, its flow, rhythm, texture, and color in jewelry. These high jewelry pieces are like snapshots of nature in its raw state. As this collection travels the world, it reminds us that water is a treasure shared by all humanity.

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Chez Boucheron, la Haute Joaillerie a pour vocation de transmettre des émotions, et je suis convaincue que les émotions transcendent les frontières et les cultures.

Chaque année, nos collections voyagent à travers le monde pour raconter leurs histoires. Après Paris et New York, c’est à Pékin que nous avons choisi de présenter notre dernière collection Carte Blanche, "Or Bleu", en présence de nos ambassadeurs Zhou Dongyu et Xiao Zhan. Cette collection est particulièrement chère à mon cœur, non seulement pour sa beauté, mais aussi pour le message qu'elle véhicule : l’eau est précieuse.

À travers cette collection, notre Directrice des Créations Claire Choisne a voulu rendre hommage à cette ressource vitale. Grâce au travail extraordinaire des artisans et à la créativité du Studio de Création, Boucheron a réussi à encapsuler pour l'éternité les différents états de l’eau, ses mouvements, son rythme, ses textures et ses couleurs. Des pièces de Haute Joaillerie comme des instantanés de la nature à l’état brut. Au fil de son voyage à travers le monde, cette collection nous rappelle que l'eau est un trésor universel.
Next post: Boucheron Brand Event
Xiao Zhan Studio