#OurMultifacetedPrism# “Run towards the farthest lighthouse, the deepest sea啊”🌊“Let’s go, we must return home!” @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY
@肖战工作室 in collaboration with @新浪娱乐 @微博明星 @微博音乐 @微博旅游 jointly launched the #RecommendMyHometownWithLighthouse# cultural and tourism themed activity. Let's support your hometown together with the topics #TravelWithWeibo# and #RecommendMyHometownWithLighthouse#!
@肖战工作室 in collaboration with @新浪娱乐 @微博明星 @微博音乐 @微博旅游 jointly launched the #RecommendMyHometownWithLighthouse# cultural and tourism themed activity. Let's support your hometown together with the topics #TravelWithWeibo# and #RecommendMyHometownWithLighthouse#!