2025/02/10 - by Legends of the Condor Heroes: The Gallants | 来源

Xu Ke, Xiao Zhan, Dou Wentao, and Wen Jun Special Talk (Part 2)

Legends of the Condor Heroes: The Gallants

2025-02-10 10:00:00+0800

What is chivalry? Listen to their thoughts on the great chivalrous and romantic martial world.
#XuKeXiaoZhanDouWentaoWenJunSpecialTalkPart2##EveryoneHasAChivalrousHeroInTheirHeart##LegendsOfTheCondorHeroesTheGallants# Currently screening, join us in the martial world!
China Film:
Tao Piao Piao:

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2025/01/29 22:05 Legends of the Condor Heroes: The Gallants/Xiao Zhan Studio et al.
The Gallants Promotional Collection

Includes interviews, promotional photos, and videos, excluding behind-the-scenes stills.

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