#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# Updating with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 🥫, waving to the upcoming beautiful weekend, good night
Love is the beginning of everything. Together with @WEDGWOOD威基伍德官方, we write the time of love.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business#XiaoZhanWEDGWOODGlobalBrandAmbassador# Love is born from 'porcelain' and remains timeless. Officially announcing @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY as the first global brand ambassador for WEDGWOOD. With a new identity, writing a new elegant chapter, exploring the #SenseOfRitualInLove# together.
WEDGWOOD Business Collection#LegendofZangHaipreparationsInHeartPoster# Watching from the dark, hidden in the midst of crisis. #LegendofZangHai#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business Zang Hai Actor ZhanBarbecue delicacies, gathering with friends, experience brand new flavors together with @RIO锐澳鸡尾酒! #RIORefreshingSparklingCocktailNewLaunch#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business📢 RIO Refreshing 500mL large can new launch! @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY invites you to experience the new flavor! Pure vodka paired with real fruit juice, 🍑 Spring White Peach flavor, bursting with fruity fragrance. 🥰 One bite of spicy barbecue, one sip of sweet and refreshing, RIO Refreshing is perfectly paired with barbecue! #RIORefreshingBubbleCocktailNewProductLaunch# #XiaoZhanRIOGlobalBran……
RIO Drinks Business CollectionStrategizing to seek the truth, gaining insight into the times and exploring fate. The universe changes and confuses the heart, as one defends the way to break the chaos. #LegendofZangHai# #LegendofZangHaiPlannedHeartVersionPoster# Chief Director: @郑晓龙导演 Starring: @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY Director: @曹译文导演工作室 Screenwriter: Zhao Liuyi Youku Reservation Weibo Reservation #2024YoukuAnnualFil……
Zang Hai Actor Zhan
#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# Unearthed a record about @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY 🤳, good night
‘#TheYouthMemoriesReturningToCCTV-1#’ Youth never ends, let’s join hands to pursue our dreams! Starting May 15, '#TheYouthMemories#' will air on CCTV-1 in the afternoon slot, writing brilliant ideals together with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY @李沁!
Actor Zhan Xiao ChunshengAccompanied by stars, feel the dazzling passage of time. Between light and shadow, perceive the profound charm of time. @ZENITH真力时
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business