
TVC (No. 11/13 pages)

2021/08/09 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

JD Appliances视频:官宣代言人

Life is full of excitement; always stay powered. I am very happy to serve as the spokesperson for @京东电器, together enjoying the #NewPossibilitiesWithJDAppliances#

2021/07/20 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

bubly TVC

Together with the delicious and 'smiling' @bubly微笑趣泡, lift up your smile and embrace the beauty of the world! #bubly#

2021/07/17 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Man Han Feast TVC

Meet with @满汉大餐 to enjoy the moon and eat meat together. The starry sky and moon shadows are free, indulging in a feast of happiness. #ManHanFeastBeefNoodle#

2021/07/12 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Officially Announcing Brand Spokesperson

I am very happy to serve as the brand spokesperson for @ZENITH真力时. Under the starlight, #WithStarsAsDreamsAndWalkWithTruth#.

2021/06/22 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Sumida River Coffee TVC

Let's have coffee together, meeting every day with @隅田川咖啡. #HistoryInFlamesFreshAsFirstMeeting#

2021/06/12 10:16 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Budweiser Beer TVC

In the sensory world, blend life inspiration, allowing feelings to connect. Tonight, sharing the first co-creation experience with @百威啤酒's new product MEX. #SensoryCoCreationInvitesYouToBeCaptivated#

2021/06/03 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Official Announcement of Global Brand Spokesperson

Combining natural aesthetics with captivating technology, @usmile官方微博 protects your confident smile, starting today #ConfidenceBloomsSmileOn#.

2021/05/31 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Official Announcement of Global Brand Spokesperson

Pause the chaos and embrace a relaxed state. I'm very happy to become the global brand spokesperson for Beiqing Song. Put on @breo倍轻松 and let's #RelieveFatigueAndEaseChallenges#.

2021/05/25 11:37 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Official Announcement of Brand Spokesperson

Life is a stage; brilliance comes in many forms. Together with @德国双立人, let #EverySideIsBrilliant#.

2021/05/19 10:15 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Officially Announcing Brand Ambassador

I am very pleased to become the ambassador for @TODS. Join me in stepping into the 'style realm' of TOD'S, immersing in the timeless and serene Italian charm.

2021/04/12 10:23 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Officially Announcing Brand Spokesperson

Stay true to yourself and be your pure self. Together with @蒂兰圣雪冰淇淋, #ExploringPureTrueSelf#.

2021/04/09 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Officially Announcing Brand Spokesperson

Fearless of challenges, self-defined. In 2021, together with @欧扎克OCAK, #ShowStrengthTogetherShareCrunchy#.