Enjoying the exquisite 'ceramic' moments with global brand spokesperson @WEDGWOOD威基伍德官方 and @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, capturing the 'berry' good times.
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCBetween travels, insight into Italian lifestyle aesthetics, switching between distances, capturing the essence of craftsmanship. Follow @TODS's lens to explore the #TODS2024AutumnWinter# collection.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCRinse, leave-in, one bottle is enough, get instant smooth and shiny hair with @欧莱雅PRO. #IWantPROL'OréalPRO#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCGathering with old friend @青岛啤酒 at a happy moment, setting off again on a vibrant journey.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCTogether with @六神官方微博 to welcome the cool summer days and explore every magical moment. #EveryMagicalMomentIsInLiushen#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCWalk towards the light, embrace summer. Enjoy the sunshine without fear of tanning with @ANESSA安热沙. #SunscreenFamilyANESSA#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCLove is the beginning of everything. Together with @WEDGWOOD威基伍德官方, we write the time of love.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCBarbecue delicacies, gathering with friends, experience brand new flavors together with @RIO锐澳鸡尾酒! #RIORefreshingSparklingCocktailNewLaunch#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCA place's land and water shape its life. Start the oral beauty journey with @舒客Saky. #ShukeUnderstandsTheOralCareOfEasternPeople#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCWandering the streets of Milan, looking back at the unforgettable time of our first meeting #MeAndTheBit# with @GUCCI, five years hand in hand, rewriting a new chapter. #Gucci1955Bag#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVC