
TVC (No. 4/13 pages)

2023/11/05 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Kai Xiao Zao TVC

Meticulous stir-frying brings out the aroma, and the wok breath adds rich flavor. @开小灶官方微博 New series, let's taste the exquisite flavors together. #GoodEatKaiXiaoZao#

2023/09/26 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Stone M1 Mini Washing and Drying Machine

Efficient, free, focused, living up to passion and life. #QuickWashSoftDryConvenientLife#

2023/09/25 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Global Brand Spokesperson

Together with @心相印 towards a better #LoveInXinXiangYin#

2023/09/19 10:05 Xiao Zhan Studio

Instant Smooth Essence

Experience the efficient repair of @欧莱雅PRO together with global spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, and feel the rhythm of your hair for long-lasting smoothness.

2023/09/06 10:49 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Brand Ambassador (Cleansing Series)

Shine with calm and confident brilliance together with @EVELOM伊芙珑.

2023/08/29 16:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

TOD'S 2023 Autumn/Winter Series Video

Follow the @TODS craftsmanship and capture style, jointly launching the #TODS2023AutumnWinter# collection.

2023/08/14 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

August Call of Good Goods Season

Life has no fixed form, come to @京东电器 to explore endless possibilities with good items. #AugustCallOfGoodGoodsSeason#

2023/06/21 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Brand Spokesperson

@蒙牛精选牧场 provides you with the best milk selected from a hundred miles. #SelectedForYou1%#

2023/06/14 12:50 Xiao Zhan Studio

Repost @李宁官方微博

#SelfContainedWorld# Unconventional. On June 20th, #ChinaLi-Ning24SpringSummerFashionRelease#, witness the avant-garde creativity of China Li-Ning unfolding in its own realm!

2023/06/06 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Brand Spokesperson

A cup of good tea, with unchanged intentions. Enjoy #CHALINewGenerationChineseTea# together with @CHALI官方微博. Good tea should be simple to drink.

2023/06/01 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

Roborock Global Spokesperson

Refine oneself, continually progress. Join @石头科技 for a future appointment—#NewCleaningNewLife#, starting now.

2023/05/29 10:10 X-Nine Xiao Zhan DAYTOY

WEDGWOOD Brand Spokesperson

Unconventional color combinations bring free and dynamic personal expression, opening a time filled with ceremony with @WEDGWOOD威基伍德官方.