Experience the brand new refreshing experience from @RIO锐澳鸡尾酒! #RIORefreshingMoreRefreshingAndExciting#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCTen thousand cups of coffee, there are ten thousand possibilities. Keeping the kindness of the 'first meeting' is the 'original intention'. @隅田川咖啡 #TenThousandCupsLikeTheFirstMeeting#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCToday at 15:30, lock in @TODS, and join @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to get styled for the cloud appointment at the #TODS2023SpringSummer# fashion show.
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCLove is the protection of every moment, experience the gentleness of the smallest unit together with @心相印 #LoveInXinXiangYin#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCTogether with brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, experience the smooth and rich texture of L'Oréal PRO, #UnleashEveryPossibility#.
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCTogether with @ANESSA安热沙 to combat backlight sun protection, starting a new approach to sun protection. #ANESSA新思路#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCTogether with spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, seeking a wonderful flavor in the realm of ice and snow. #ChinaLiuliume#
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCIn the fleeting 1/100 second, how to clearly perceive it? Accompanying the #MasterOfTiming# @ZENITH真力时, discovering the moments that are worth cherishing.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCGathering with @TODS #TODS2022AutumnWinterGlobalAdvertisement#, analyzing Italian autumn and winter fashion trends, and playing with new stylish ideas.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCA good dream is inseparable from a comfortable quilt. Together with @梦洁高端床上用品 #OpenANewChapterInDreams#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCIn the ebb and flow of the tides, let the fresh and bright ocean scent of #RalphLaurenBluePoloFragrance# gently caress your heart and ear. @RalphLauren拉夫劳伦香氛
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCTogether with spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, witness the powerful debut of @滴露官方微博 4-in-1 disinfecting laundry pods, #ProfessionalDisinfectionSurpassingCleanliness#.
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVC