Gentleman style, modern perspective, play with @TODS the #TODS2022SpringSummer# Italian aesthetics.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVC@usmile官方微博 The new F1 electric toothbrush is officially released! Join @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to witness the smart oral hygiene technology #XiaoZhanusmileGuardianOfOralHealth#
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCLet love stack upon itself, infinitely looping. Together with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY and @GUCCI #GucciLinkToLove#
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCWhere the light goes, the dream resides. Together with @ZENITH真力时, pursue the light of dreams in our hearts. #DEFY_SKYLINEWatch#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVC#MeetAtWinterOlympicsiBeijing# Focusing on the Winter Olympics with promotion officer @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY, we invite you to Beijing to share your wonderful stories with the city. #100ReasonsToLoveBeijing# Wishing everyone a Happy New Year’s Eve!
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVC#MeAndMyBack# The most brilliant is the New Year fireworks, the warmest is the light behind. @京东电器
Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Business TVCDon't forget to enjoy yourself while busy with life, let's feel the joy brought by @德芙悦时刻 together. #EnjoyDoveToTheMax#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCLet's go, 2022, alongside our partner @上汽奥迪 in #StrivingForANewBeginning#.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCMay every joyful 'food' moment of yours be accompanied by @溜溜梅 'Liuliume' in a wonderful way. #ChinaGreenPlumLiuliume#
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVC
The flavors of three meals, simmered and boiled. The seasons change, yet passion endures through the years. Taste the myriad flavors of life, the most satisfying are the earthly tastes. Enjoy good meals with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY. @开小灶官方微博 #XiaoZhanKaiXiaoZao#
I am very pleased to become the spokesperson for @RalphLauren拉夫劳伦香氛. Let's embark on this modern journey with the fresh woody scent.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVCIn the cold season, let @波司登 accompany you, fearless of wind and rain, keeping warm through the winter.
Xiao Zhan Weibo Business TVC