2024/11/12 - by Xiao Zhan Studio | 来源

First Section Lyrics Poster

Xiao Zhan Studio(肖战工作室)

2024-11-12 11:00:03

Heading towards the distance, towards the twinkling lights. Different shades of emotions, feelings in different situations, these emotional slices are all part of 'us', experiences, feelings, growth, the myriad forms of life, and so it is. @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY #OurPrism#

📄 The first wave of audio sources 'We', 'All the Same', 'Restoration', 'Glow' lyrics posters have arrived.

------original text:------
走向远方,走向点点荧光。不同色调的情绪、不同情境的感受,这些情绪的切片都是组成“我们”的一部分,经历、感受、成长,众生百相,亦复如是。@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY #我们的多棱镜#

📄 第一波音源《我们》《都一样》《还原》《荧》歌词海报已送达。
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