

2022/07/29 10:05 Zwilling Germany/Xiao Zhan

Xiao Zhan Global Brand Ambassador for Zwilling

#CookingMakesLifeShine# Zwilling once again partners with @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY to explore the beauty of life in the kitchen and at the dining table. Love your family, love your friends, love yourself. High-quality Zwilling cookware conveys endless warmth, allowing life to shine with a unique glow. #XiaoZhanGlobalBrandAmbassadorForZwilling#

2022/07/29 10:05 ZENITH

Zenith Master of Chronographs

#ChasingDreamsWithStars, WalkWithTruth# Show your true self and see the joy in each other's hearts. Brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY sends holiday blessings for the upcoming romantic moments.

2022/07/27 19:30 Xiao Zhan Studio

Sumida River Coffee Live

#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# Carrying the morning breeze, join @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY for a warm appointment, see you later [送花花]

2022/07/27 10:05 Sumida River Coffee/Xiao Zhan Studio

Sumida River Coffee Live Collection

The first ray of sunshine is the time spent together over coffee [太阳] The first heart flutter is with the person drinking coffee together. Tonight at 20:30, the 'Fresh Coffee is Trending' new product launch event with global brand spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY. See the light, smell the aroma of coffee ☕️ #XiaoZhanSpokespersonForSumidaRiverCoffee# #YouCanDrinkTheSameEvenIfYouDontGoToTheCafe#

2022/07/26 10:10 Xiao Zhan

bubly Smile Fun Bubble Video: Strawberry Flavor Now Available

A refreshing sip, fun to drink and laugh! @bubly微笑趣泡 Strawberry flavor now available, let's drink together #bublySmileFunBubble#!

2022/07/25 19:30 Xiao Zhan Studio


#SeeingXiaoZhanDaily# Scoop a handful of sparse stars and faint moonlight, filling the eyes with calm and comfort. See you later @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY

2022/07/25 10:05 Xiao Zhan Studio

YIDA: New Product Launch

Tonight, join @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY for a sweet and sour appointment with @怡达YIDA #MeetingYIDAWithSweetAndSour#

2022/07/22 00:00 Xiao Zhan Studio

Ralph Lauren Earth Eau de Toilette Video

The bright citrus notes evoke an inner longing for nature. Experience this sensory gift from the universe with @肖战 #RalphLaurenEarthEauDeToilette#

2022/07/21 10:05 Li Ning Sports Life / China Li Ning / LI-NING1990

Wonderful Pen Blossoms x Daily Progress

Inspired by the Zhuang people's reverence for nature, using a needle as a pen to draw flowers. Spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY wears the #LiNingChineseCulturalSeries# 'Wonderful Pen Blossoms' themed products, integrating modern tailoring design, showcasing trendy interpretations of Zhuang patterns and floral designs. The same product is now on sale #XiaoZhanLiNingGlobalSpokesperson# #肖战[超话]#

2022/07/16 10:10 Xiao Zhan

YSL Saint Laurent Beauty Video: Night Queen Essence

Together with #YSLNightQueenEssence#, break the limits, and unleash your energy! @YSL圣罗兰美妆

2022/07/16 10:05 YSL Saint Laurent Beauty/Xiao Zhan Studio/Xiao Zhan

Xiao Zhan YSL Skincare Spokesperson

Fearless of external definitions, firmly breaking through oneself. Low-key accumulation, high-energy eruption, welcome YSL skincare spokesperson @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY #YSLNightQueenEssence# #XiaoZhanYSLSkincareSpokesperson#

2022/07/15 19:30 Xiao Zhan
